Enes AksuJim Rohn’s 3 Essential Steps for Achieving Financial SuccessJim Rohn was a remarkable entrepreneur and motivational speaker whose wisdom on wealth creation has inspired millions worldwide. As one of…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Enes AksuCBRT backdoor sales $128 Billion since 2021The Turkish Lira (TRY) has been one of the most volatile currencies in the world in the past few years. This is due to a combination of…Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
Enes AksuThe Big Mac Index and Its Implications for the Turkish Economy January 2023The Big Mac Index, invented by The Economist in 1986, compares the prices of a Big Mac burger in different countries to determine whether a…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
Enes AksuThe Federal Reserve's Semiannual Monetary Policy Report: An Overview (March 07, 2023)On February 27th, 2023, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell presented the semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Senate Banking…Mar 7, 2023Mar 7, 2023
Enes AksuTürkiye Cumhuriyeti Hazinesi nakit dengesi Şubat’ta rekor açık verdiHazine’nin nakit açığı Şubat’ta 171,5 milyar TL ile rekor seviyeye çıktı. Faiz dışı denge bu dönemde 140,1 milyar TL açık verdi.Mar 7, 2023Mar 7, 2023